Bobomurat AHMEDOV, Leading Scientist (Distinguished Research Professor)

Full Professor of Theoretical Physics

Leader of Research Projects

Head, Theoretical Astrophysics Sector Affiliated to AS-ICTP

Regular Associate of AS-ICTP



SURNAME:                                  FIRST NAMES:                   MIDDLE NAMES(s):

AHMEDOV                              Bobomurat                              Juraevich ________________________________________________________________________________________________


                                                                                                                    Year - Month - Day:

Samarkand, Uzbekistan                                     Uzbekistan                      1963 - June - 4          

Nationality at birth: Uzbekistan


SEX:                 MARITAL STATUS:                    NUMBER OF CHILDREN AND THEIR AGE:

MALE                married                                        3 children: 17, 13 and 10 years old



Institute of Nuclear Physics, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences
Ulughbek, Tashkent 100214, Uzbekistan
Telephone No: +998-71-2358102 Telefax No: +998-71-2360037



Center-5, 39/43, Tashkent 100017, Uzbekistan

Telephone No: +998-71-2355786


MAILING ADDRESS: Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute

                                        Astronomicheskaya 33

                                        Tashkent 100052



EDUCATION (higher degrees)

University or equivalent     Years attended     Degrees

Name and place                                                        From                 to

student of

Physics Department

Samarkand State University                                  1980               1985                                            M.Sc., 1985

University Avenue 15

Samarkand 703004, Uzbekistan


post-graduate student of

Institute of Nuclear Physics                                 1985                  1988                                            Ph.D., 1993

Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences

Ulughbek, Tashkent 100214



Physics Department

Uzbekistan National University                                                                                                Dr.Sc., 2001

VUZgorodok                                                                                                                             (Highest Degree)

Tashkent, Uzbekistan



Research Institution or University                                              Period of duty                                         Academic

Name and place                                                                             From                    to                          responsibilities

Institute of Nuclear Physics                                                         1988                 1990                 Junior Researcher

Uzbekistan Academy of  Sciences

Ulugbek, Tashkent 100214                                                          1990                 1994                 Researcher


        1994                  1996                Senior Researcher

        1996                  1999                Head of Laboratory & Project

1999                            2003                Leading Researcher

2003                 now                 Head of Sector & Projects


Samarkand State University                                                     1994                 2003                       Associate Professor

University Avenue 15                                                                                                               Full Professor

Samarkand 703004, Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan National University                                              2003                now                 Full Professor                                   


Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute                                           2003               now                  Project Leader

Astronomicheskaya 33

Tashkent 100052






My present employment and duties:


My main duty is to carry out the theoretical research in the field of electrodynamics of continuous media in general relativity and relativistic astrophysics. At present I am holding a position of Projects Leader and Head of Sector of Theoretical Astrophysics (affiliated to the AS-ICTP, PRJ-29) in the Institute of Nuclear Physics, position of Leading Researcher (half salary) and Projects Leader at the Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute in Tashkent  and position of Full Professor (0.5 salary) at the Uzbekistan National  University. I was co-organizer  of Int. Symposium on Experimental Gravitation  held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 1999. I am delivering lectures to graduate students at Samarkand State University starting year 1993 and at Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent from year 2000. I am a key person being responsible for Uzbekistan in AS-ICTP Network on Relativity, Astrophysics and Cosmology between Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan (BIPTUN) .



Name and place                                                                                                  Year

7th All-Union Gravitational Conference

Yerevan, Armenia                                                                                               1988

8th Russian Gravitational Conference, Moscow

Russia                                                                                                                    1993

9th All-Union Workshop on Gravitation and

Electromagnetism, Minsk, Belorussia                                                             1989

All-Union Workshop on Relativistic Astrometry

Samarkand, Uzbekistan                                                                                    1989

International Symposium on Experimental

Gravitation, Nathiagali, Pakistan                                                                     1993

International Friedmann Seminar on Cosmology

and Gravitation, St.Petersburg, Russia                                                            1993

20th Nathiagali Summer College on Physics

and Contemporary Needs, Pakistan                                                                1995

14th International Conference on General

Relativity and Gravitation, Florence                                                               1995

24th International Cosmic Ray Conference

Roma                                                                                                                     1995

5th Int. School of Astrophysics 'D.Chalonge'

Erice, Italy                                                                                                            1996

12th Italian Gravitational Conference, Rome                                               1996

15th International Conference on General

Relativity and Gravitation, Pune, India                                                          1997

3rd W.Fairbank Mtg on Lense-Thirring Effect

Rome-Pescara                                                                                                      1998

WE-Heraeus Int. Seminar on Math Problems in

General Relativity, Bad-Honnef, Germany                                                   1998

19th Texas Conference on Relativistic

Astrophysics, Paris                                                                                              1998

5th Chittagong Conference on Mathematical

Physics, Bangladesh                                                                                           1999

3rd ICRA Network Workshop on Electrodynamics

and Magnetohydrodynamics around Black Holes

Rome-Pescara, Italy                                                                                           1999

International Symposium on Experimental

Gravitation, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

(co-organizer)                                                                                                       1999

Int. European Conference on Gravitation

Journees Relativistes 99, Weimar, Germany                                                  1999

International Conference on Gravitation and

Cosmology, Kharagpur, India                                                                          2000

Jerusalem Winter School on Theoretical

Physics, Israel                                                                                                       2001

Int. Conference on Modern Problems of

Nuclear Physics, Uzbekistan                                                                     2001, 2003, 2006

Summer School on Black Holes

Bad-Honnef, Germany                                                                                      2001

International Conference on Gravitation and

Cosmology, Kochi, India                                                                                   2004

Neutrino International Conference in Armenia

Yerevan                                                                                                      2005

11th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General

Relativity, Berlin                                                                                                  2006

Summer School in Cosmology, AS-ICTP

Trieste, Italy                                                                                     2006

XXVI General Assembly of International

Astronomical Union, Praha, Czech Republic                                            2006           

Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics

AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy                                                                     2007

Spring School on Gauge Theory/Gravity Correspondence

AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy                                                                     2008

Summer School in Cosmology, AS-ICTP

Trieste, Italy                                                                                     2008

Advancing VLF Science through the AWESOME Network

Workshop, Sebha, Libya                                                                   2008

3rd Stueckelberg Workshop on Relativistic Field Theories

Pescara, Italy                                                                                    2008



My research is mainly devoted to the general-relativistic electrodynamics of continuous media such as superconductor, conductor, plasma etc and its application for theoretical explanation and analysis of electromagnetic and astrophysical processes in the external gravitational fields. Experimental tests of general relativity, general relativistic electromagnetic effects and fields for pulsars and magnetized rotating and oscillating neutron stars are also in my scientific interests.




                The impact that stellar oscillations have on electric and magnetic fields external to a relativistic magnetized star in vacuum has been investigated. Modelling the star as a relativistic polytrope with infinite conductivity, the solution of the general relativistic Maxwell equations both in the vicinity of the stellar surface and far from it has been found. The general relativistic energy loss through electromagnetic radiation for different type (radial, toroidal and spheroidal) oscillations of relativistic magnetized stars has been calculated.


                General relativistic expressions for the electric and magnetic fields   interior  of oscillating conducting crust of magnetized neutron star with politropic equation of state have been found.


                Formalism describing electromagnetic fields in inner parts of plasma magnetosphere of relativistic oscillating  magnetized star has been developed. Multipolar expansion of electromagnetic fields in plasma magnetosphere has been obtained using quasistationarity of electromagnetic fields in the low current approximation. The exact solutions for the unperturbed magnetic field and for the first order pertubation in the displacement of the stellar matter have been obtained  assuming that unperturbed magnetic field of the star as dipolar one.   Electric field in plasma magnetosphere is decomposed as a sum of two terms: vacuum part is defined by the function describing magnetic field and the second term (being proportional to the gradient of the unknown scalar function) is responsible for the contribution of charged particles.


                Numerical solutions for space charge density and electric field in plasma magnetosphere for various modes of toroidal and spheroidal oscillations of Schwarzschild star have been obtained. The results justify that near the surface of oscillating magnetized neutron star the space charge density and electric field will be modified by monopolar part of strong gravitational field.


Analytic general relativistic solutions for the electromagnetic fields external to a slowly-rotating magnetized NUT star with nonvanishing gravitomagnetic charge are found after separating the Maxwell equations in the external background spacetime of a slowly rotating NUT star into angular and radial parts in the lowest order approximation. The relativistic NUT star is considered isolated and in vacuum, with different models for stellar magnetic field: i) monopolar magnetic field and ii) dipolar magnetic field aligned with the axis of rotation. It is shown that the general relativistic corrections due to  gravitomagnetic charge are not present in the form of the stationary magnetic fields but emerge only in the form of the electric fields. The gravitomagnetic charge  provides an additional induced electric field being analogous to the one introduced by the rotation of the star in the flat spacetime limit.


                The dipolar magnetic field configuration in dependence on brane tension and present solutions of Maxwell equations in the internal and external background spacetime of a magnetized spherical star in a Randall-Sundrum II type braneworld. The star is modelled as sphere consisting of perfect highly magnetized fluid with infinite conductivity and frozen-in dipolar magnetic field. With respect to solutions for magnetic fields found in the Schwarzschild spacetime brane tension introduces enhancing corrections both to the interior and the exterior magnetic field. These corrections could be relevant for the magnetic fields of magnetized compact objects as pulsars and magnetars and may provide the observational evidence for the brane tension through the modification of formula for magneto-dipolar emission which gives amplification of electromagnetic energy loss up to few orders depending on the value of the brane tension.


                Interior electromagnetic fields of a relativistic oscillating spherical star inside the perfectly conducting crust of oscillating magnetized star in the interior Schwarzschild metric in case of infinite conductivity are investigated. Analytical expressions for interior electric and dipolar magnetic fields are obtained.


The general relativistic Ohm's law for the conduction current where the gravitomagnetic terms are incorporated has been derived. Then it is applied to predict a new galvano-gravitomagnetic effect, which takes place when a current carrying conductor is placed in a gravitomagnetic field. In connection with this galvano­gravitomagnetic effect, the possibility of using current carrying conductors for detecting the Lense-Thirring field of the Earth was explored.

The general relativistic formula for charge distribution inside conductors has been derived from the Maxwell equations with the help of constitutive relations. The measurements of the general relativistic effect of charge redistribution inside conductors which can be performed within a conductor in the presence of gravitational field of a slow rotating metric source and an applied magnetic field both are proposed. It is shown that superconducting quantum interferometers could not detect the gravitomagnetism in the space of charged capacitor since they measure the quantity including the sum of electric and magnetic fields, and the general-relativistic magnetic part will be totally cancelled by the electric one which is in agreement with the experiments.


The appearance of general-relativistic contribution to the magnetic flux through a superconducting thermoelectric bimetallic circuit is shown. A response of the Josephson junctions to a heat flow is investigated in the general­relativistic framework. Some gravitothermoelectric effects which can be observed in the superconducting state in the earth's gravitational field are considered.


Analytic solutions of Maxwell equations in the internal and external background spacetime of a slowly rotating misaligned magnetized neutron star have been obtained. With respect to a flat spacetime solution, general relativity introduces corrections related both to the monopolar and the dipolar parts of the gravitational field. In particular, in the case of infinite electrical conductivity general relativistic corrections due to the dragging of reference frames are present, but only in the expression for the electric field. In the case of finite electrical conductivity, however, corrections due both to the spacetime curvature and to the dragging of reference frames are shown to be present in the induction equation, which could be relevant for the evolution of the magnetic fields of pulsars and magnetars.


Electrostatic plasma modes along the open field lines of a rotating neutron star and Goldreich-Julian charge density in general relativity are analyzed for the neutron star with zero inclination.  It is found that the charge density is maximum at the polar cap and it remains almost same in certain extended region of the pole. For a steady state Goldreich-Julian charge density the usual plasma oscillation along the field lines are found; plasma frequency resembles to the gravitational redshift close to the Schwarzchild radius. The nonlinear plasma mode along the field lines is studied. From the system of equations under general relativity, a second order differential equation is derived. The equation contains a term which describes the growing plasma modes near Schwarzchild radius in a black hole environment. The term vanishes with the distance far away from the gravitating object. For initially zero potential and field on the surface of a neutron star, Goldreich-Julian charge density is found to create the plasma mode, which is enhanced and propagates almost without damping along the open field lines.


The equations that describe the electromagnetic processes in a plasma surrounding a neutron star are obtained by using the general relativistic form of Maxwell equations in a geometry of slow rotating gravitational object. A new mechanism of the generation of azimuthal current under the gravitomagnetic effect on radial current in a plasma around neutron star is predicted. The azimuthal current being proportional to the Lense-Thirring angular velocity can give valuable contribution on the evolution of the stellar magnetic field in some cases and therefore in general relativity a rotating neutron star, embedded in plasma, can in principle generate axial-symmetric magnetic fields even in axisymmetry.


The influence of the general-relativistic effects on charge distribution inside neutron star is investigated. The qualitative distinction of space charge distribution inside conducting crust from that inside superconducting core allows us to propose a possible mechanism of radio-wave radiation produced inside pulsar. A possibility of modelling this radiation in laboratory experiments in rotating frame of reference is analyzed.






1) In Refereed Journals:

  1. A.A. Abdujabbarov, B.J. Ahmedov and V.G. Kagramanova, Particle Motion and Electromagnetic Fields of Rotating Compact Gravitating Objects with Gravitomagnetic Charge,  Gen. Rel. Grav., 2008, V.40, 18p.


  1. V. Morozova and B.J. Ahmedov, Quantum Interference Effects in Slowly Rotating NUT Space-time, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 2008, V.17, 11p.


  1. V. S. Morozova, B. J. Ahmedov and V. G. Kagramanova, General Relativistic Effect of Gravitomagnetic Charge on Pulsar Magnetosphere and Particle Acceleration in a Polar Cap, Astrophys. J., 2008, V 684, 2 issue, 1359-1365.


  1. Ahmedov B.J. and Fattoyev F. J., Magnetic Fields of Spherical Compact Stars in Braneworld, Phys. Rev. D, 2008, V.78, No.4, 047501.             


  1. Kagramanova V.G. and Ahmedov B.J., On Properties of Vacuum Axial Symmetric Spacetime of Gravitomagnetic Monopole in Cylindrical Coordinates, Gen. Rel. Grav., 2006, V.36, No.5, 823-835.


  1. B.J. Ahmedov and V.G. Kagramanova, Electromagnetic fields in superconductors in stationary gravitational field, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 2005, V.14, No.5.  837-847.   


  1. B.J. Ahmedov and F.J. Fattoyev, Quasi-stationary electromagnetic effects inside  conductors and superconductors in Schwarzschild space-time, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 2005, V.14, No.5.  817-835. 


  1. B.J. Ahmedov, A.V. Khugaev and N.I. Rakhmatov, Electromagnetic fields of charged and magnetized cylindrical conductors in NUT space, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 2005, V.14, No.3&4, 687-695.


  1. Rezzolla L. and Ahmedov B.J., Electromagnetic fields in the exterior of an oscillating relativistic star - I. General expressions and application to a rotating magnetic dipole. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.- 2004.- V.352, Issue 4.- p.1161-1179. 


  1. A.V. Khugaev and B.J. Ahmedov, Remarks on Papapetrou class of vacuum solutions of Einstein equations, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 2004, V.13, No.9, 1823-1830.


  1. B.J. Ahmedov and N.I. Rakhmatov, Concerning Measurement of Gravitomagnetism in Electromagnetic Systems. Found. Phys. - 2003.- V.33, No.4, p.625-639.


  1. Rezzolla L., Ahmedov B.J. and Miller J.C. Erratum: General relativistic electromagnetic fields of a slowly rotating magnetized neutron star. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.- 2003.- V.338, Issue 3.- p.816.  


  1. Ahmedov B.J. and Ermamatov M.J. Electrical conductivity in general relativity. Found. Phys. Lett.- 2002.- V.15, No.2, p.137-151.


  1. Ahmedov B.J. and Ermamatov M.J. Rotational Analog of the Hall Effect: Coriolis Contribution to Electric Current. Found. Phys. Lett.- 2002.- V.15, No.3, p.305-309.


  1. Rezzolla L., Ahmedov B.J. and Miller J.C. General relativistic electromagnetic fields of a slowly rotating magnetized neutron star. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.- 2001.- V.322.- p.723-740.


  1. Rezzolla L., Ahmedov B.J. and Miller J.C. Stationary electromagnetic fields of slowly rotating magnetized neutron star in general relativity. Found. Phys.- 2001.- V.31, No.7.- p.1051-1065.


  1. M. Karim, A.H. Bokhari and B.J. Ahmedov, The Casimir force in the Schwarzschild metric, Class. Quantum Grav., 2000, V.17, No.12, 2459-2462.


  1. Mofiz U.A. and Ahmedov B.J. Plasma modes along the open field lines of a neutron star, Astrophys. J.- 2000.- V.542, No.1.- p.484-492.


  1. Ahmedov B.J. and Karim M. Gravitomagnetic effects in a conductor in an applied magnetic field, Ann. der Physik, 2000, V.9, SI, 11-13.


  1.  B.J. Ahmedov, General relativistic thermoelectric effects in superconductors, Gen. Rel. Grav., 1999, V.31, No.3, 357-369.


  1. B.J. Ahmedov, General relativistic galvano-gravitomagnetic effect in current carrying conductors, Phys. Lett. A, 1999, V.256/1, 9-14.


  1. B.J. Ahmedov, On a possibility to measure thermoelectric power in SNS structures, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, 1998, Vol.12, No.16, 633-637.


  1. B.J. Ahmedov, General relativistic Ohm's law and Coriolis force effects in rotating conductors, Gravit. Cosmology, 1998, V.4, No.2, 139-141.


  1. B.J. Ahmedov, Possibility of radio-wave radiation production inside a pulsar. Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 1997, V.6, 341-347.


  1. Rezzolla L. and Ahmedov B.J., Electromagnetic Fields in the Exterior of an Oscillating Relativistic Star - II. Spheroidal and Toroidal Velocity Fields, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 2008, submitted.


  1. Abdikamalov E.B., Ahmedov B.J., and Miller J.C., The Magnetosphere of Oscillating Neutron Stars in General Relativity, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 2008, submitted, arXiv:0809.1191v1 [gr-qc] 2008.


  1. Ahmedov B.J. and Morozova V.S. “Plasma Magnetosphere Formation Around Oscillating Magnetized Neutron Stars”, Astrophysics and Space Science, 2008, submitted.


  1. Morozova V.S. and Ahmedov B.J. “Propagation of electromagnetic waves through ionosphere over seismic active zones”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2008, submitted.



  1. B.J. Ahmedov and L.Ya. Arifov, Principles for detecting charge redistribution produced by fields of gravity and inertia inside conductors, Gen. Rel. Grav., 1994, V.26, p.1187-1195.


  1. B.J. Ahmedov, Influence of magnetic field on charge distribution inside conductors in general relativity, Ukrainian J. Phys., 1994, V. 39, No.4, p.389-390.


  1. B.J. Ahmedov and U.A. Mofiz, General relativistic Maxwell equations with boundary conditions for electromagnetic fields, Bangladesh J. Astron. Res., 1999, V.2, No.1, 22-27.



2) In Proceedings:

  1. Ahmedov B.J. On the Gravitomagnetic and Rotational Analog of the Hall Effect: A Possibility to Measure Lense-Thirring Field of Earth.//in: Nonlinear Gravitodynamics,  eds. R. Ruffini and C. Sigismondi (World Scientific, 2003) p.213-219.


  1. M. Karim and B.J. Ahmedov, Electromagnetic test to detect the Earth's general relativistic gravitomagnetic field using artificial satellittes. in: Proc. 12th Italian Conf. on Gen. Relat. And Grav. Phys., Eds. M. Bassan et al (World Scientific, 1997) 433-437.


  1. Ahmedov B.J. One possible mechanism of electromagnetic radiation arising from intermediate boundary between conducting and superconducting media within pulsar, in: Proc. XXIV ICRC, Roma, 1995, V.3, 786-789.


  1. Arifov L.Ya. and Ahmedov B.J. Analysis of one electrodynamic experiment on "check-up of the principle of  equivalence", in: Experimental Gravitation, Eds. M.Karim and A.Qadir (IOP, Bristol, 1994) A261-A266.


  1. Arifov L.Ya. and Ahmedov B.J. General relativistic effect of charge redistribution inside conductors and possibilities of its detection, in: Experimental Gravitation, Eds. M.Karim and A.Qadir (IOP, Bristol, 1994) A267-A271.


  1. Ahmedov B. J., Zalaletdinov R.M., Turakulov Z.Ya., Nuritdinov S.N. and Mirtadjieva  K.T., Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology in Uzbekistan, IAU XXVI GA publication P09 (SPS5),  eds. J. Hearnshaw and P. Martinez,  Cambridge University Press, 2007, 159-167.


  1. Ahmedov B. J. , A.V. Khugaev and N.I. Rakhmatov, Electromagnetic Fields of Charged and Magnetized Cylindrical Conductors in NUT Space, Proceedings of the Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Mtg on General Relativity, edited by H. Kleinert, R.T. Jantzen  and R. Ruffini, World Scientific, 2008, pp. 2098-2100. 


  1. Kagramanova V.G. and Ahmedov B.J., On Properties of Vacuum Axial Symmetric Spacetime of Gravitomagnetic Monopole in Cylindrical Coordinates, Proceedings of the Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Mtg on General Relativity, edited by H. Kleinert, R.T. Jantzen  and R. Ruffini, World Scientific, 2008, pp. 2122-2124.


  1. C. Lammerzahl, B. Ahmedov, H. Dittus and V. Morozova, Time and timing in gravitational fields, in Proceedings of 1st Colloquium Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, 2007, 15p.  



List foreign research institutes visited:

Host Institute                            Duration of visit                                                                 Purpose of visit

AS-ICTP                                  few months each visit                                                                visitor/

Trieste, Italy                                                                                                                        Regular associate

                                                  in 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008

ICRA, Rome                            few weeks each visit                                                         visitor

Pescara                                      in 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005,2007,2008

SISSA, Trieste                          few weeks/months each visit                                            visitor

                                                  in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,2008

MPI fur Gravitations                few months/weeks each visit                                            visitor

Physik, Golm, Germany          in 1999, 2006, 2007, 2008


IIT, Kharagpur, India               two weeks                                                                          visitor

                                                  in 2000

RCMPS,                                   two weeks                                                                         visitor

Chittagong University              in 1999



IUCAA, Pune, India                 few months each visit                                                       visitor

                          in 2002, 2004


ZARM, Bremen                        one week                                                                          visitor

Germany                                    in 2006

DLR, Berlin                              one week                                                                          visitor

Germany                                    in 2007




International Science Foundation (ISF) Grant, 1994.


Award of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences for Young Scientists in Physics in Year 1996.

Leader of Research Project "Mathematical Modelling of Multiparticle High Energy Processes" from the Uzbekistan Ministry of Science and Technology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan (1996 - 1999).


Award of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences/Third World Academy of Sciences for Young Scientists in Physics in Year 2001.

Leader of 4.5 Years Research Project "Study of the Equations of Gravitation and Electrodynamics in Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology" from the Uzbekistan Center of Science and Technology, Grant F2.1.09, Tashkent, Uzbekistan (1 January 2003 - 30 June 2007).


Co-Leader of 4.5 Years Research Project "Study of the Dynamics of Gravitating Systems and Electromagnetic Processes in Vicinity of Compact Objects" from the Uzbekistan Center of Science and Technology, Grant F2.2.06, Tashkent, Uzbekistan (1 January 2003 - 30 June 2007).

Leader of 2 Year Research Project "Vacuum Solutions to the Equations of Einstein and Maxwell in Axial Symmetry" from the Foundation for Fundamental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Grant 2-04, Tashkent, Uzbekistan (1 January 2004 - 31 December 2005).


CNR-NATO Grant (ranked at the 1st place with 29/30 points), 2004.


NATO Reintegration Grant EAP.RIG.981259 Electromagnetic Fields of Magnetized Compact Stars in General Relativity”, 2004-2007.


TWAS Regular Associate (Trieste, Italy) at the IUCAA (Pune, India), 2002-2004


AS-ICTP Regular Associate, Trieste, Italy, 2005-2010

Leader of 3 Years Research Project "Development of Methods for Extraction of Data for Earthquake Prediction and Prognosis from Gravitational and Astrophysical Measurements" from the Uzbekistan Center of Science and Technology, Grant A13-226, Tashkent, Uzbekistan (1 January 2006 - 31 December 2008).

Leader of 2 Year Research Project "General Relativistic Effects in Models of Relativistic Stars with Cosmological Term and Branes" from the Foundation for Fundamental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Grant 1-06, Tashkent, Uzbekistan (1 January 2006 - 31 December 2007).


DAAD (Germany) Grant A/06/33126 , 2006

Leader of 4.5 Years Research Project "Study of the Equations of Electromagnetic and Gravitational Fields in Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology" from the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Grant FA-F2-F079, Tashkent, Uzbekistan (1 July 2007 - 31 December 2011).

Leader of 2 Year Research Project "General Relativistic Effects in Axial Symmetric Spacetimes" from the Foundation for Fundamental Studies of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Grant #5, Tashkent, Uzbekistan (1 January 2008 - 31 December 2009).


Member of Scientific Council awarding PhD degree in Astrophysics and Radioastronomy at the Uzbekistan National Unversty (starting 2003).


Member of Scientific Council at the Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute, Tashkent (starting January 2003).


Member of Scientific Council at the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Tashkent (starting January 2007).



Teaching Experience

Winter-spring term 1994: Course in Quantum Mechanics (92 lecture hours) for the 3rd year undergraduate students, Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Samarkand State Uni­versity, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 1994: Course in Electrodynamics of Continuous Media (69 lecture hours) for the 3rd year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan.

Winter-spring term 1995: Course in Statistical Physics (90 lecture hours) for the 4th year undergraduate students, Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Samarkand State Uni­versity, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 1995: Course in Electrodynamics of Continuous Media (69 lecture hours) for the 3rd year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 1996: Course in Electrodynamics of Continuous Media (69 lecture hours) for the 3rd year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan.

Winter-spring term 1997: Course in General Rela­tivity and Gravitation (60 lecture hours) for the 4th year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 1998: Course in Electrodynamics of Continuous Media (69 lecture hours) for the 3rd year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 1999: Course in Electrodynamics of Continuous Media (69 lecture hours) for the 3rd year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 2000: Course in Electrodynamics of Continuous Media (69 lecture hours) for the 3rd year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 2001: Course in General Rela­tivity and Gravitation (60 lecture hours) for the 4th year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 2002: Course in Electrodynamics of Continuous Media (69 lecture hours) for the 3rd year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan.


Fall term 2003: Course in Plasma Astrophysics (92 lecture hours) for the 1st year graduate students (Master Course), Chair of Astronomy, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Fall term 2003: Course in Quasars and Gravitational Lensing (55 lecture hours) for the 1st year graduate students (Master Course), Chair of Astronomy, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Fall term 2003: Course in Cosmogony: Origin of planets, Sun and stars (96 lecture hours) for the 1st year graduate students (Master Course), Chair of Astronomy, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Winter-spring term 2004: Course in  General Rela­tivity and Gravitation (Part I) – an introductionary course (50 lecture hours) for the 3rd year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Tashkent State University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 2004: Course in Electrodynamics of Continuous Media (69 lecture hours) for the 3rd year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 2004: Course in Theoretical Mechanics (148 lecture hours) for the 2nd year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Fall term 2004: Course in Electromagnetic Field Theory (60 lecture hours) for the 3rd year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Fall term 2004: Course in Plasma Astrophysics (92 lecture hours) for the 1st year graduate students (Master Course), Chair of Astronomy, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 2005: Course in Electrodynamics of Continuous Media (69 lecture hours) for the 3rd year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 2005: Course in Cosmogony: Origin of planets, Sun and stars (96 lecture hours) for the 1st year graduate students (Master Course), Chair of Astronomy, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 2005: Course in Interstellar Medium (32 lecture hours) for the 1st year graduate students (Master Course), Chair of Astronomy, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 2005: Course in General Relativ­ity and Gravitation (69 lecture hours) for the 1st year graduate students (Master Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Fall term 2005: Course in Electromagnetic Field Theory (60 lecture hours) for the 3rd year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 2006: Course in Electrodynamics of Continuous Media (69 lecture hours) for the 3rd year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 2006: Course in General Relativ­ity and Gravitation (69 lecture hours) for the 1st year graduate students (Master Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Fall term 2006: Course in Electromagnetic Field Theory (69 lecture hours) for the 3rd year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 2007: Course in General Relativ­ity and Gravitation (69 lecture hours) for the 1st year graduate students (Master Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 2007: Course in Electrodynamics of Continuous Media (69 lecture hours) for the 3rd year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Fall term 2007: Course in Electromagnetic Field Theory (63 lecture hours) for the 3rd year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Fall term 2007: Course in Cosmogony: Star Formation Regions and Physics of Young Stars (120 lecture hours) for the 1st year graduate students (Master Course), Chair of Astronomy, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Fall term 2007: Course in Interstellar Medium (48 lecture hours) for the 2nd year graduate students (Master Course), Chair of Astronomy, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 2008: Course in General Relativ­ity and Gravitation (65 lecture hours) for the 1st year graduate students (Master Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 2008: Course in Electrodynamics of Continuous Media (61 lecture hours) for the 3rd year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 2008: Course in Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics (66 lecture hours) for the 3rd year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 2008: Course in Nonstationary Stars (56 lecture hours) for the 4th year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Fall term 2008: Course in Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics, I part (60 lecture hours) for the 4th year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 2009: Course in Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics, II part (66 lecture hours) for the 4th  year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 2009: Course in General Relativ­ity and Gravitation (50 lecture hours) for the 1st year graduate students (Master Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


Winter-spring term 2008: Course in Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics (66 lecture hours) for the 3rd year undergraduate students (Bachelor Course), Chair of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Uzbekistan National University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.






1. B.J. Ahmedov, Problems of Relativity Theory and Cosmology in XXI Century, Fan va Turmush,  2005, No.2-3, 22-27 (in Russian).


2. B.J. Ahmedov, Yuldashev B.S., Modern Problems of Relativity Theory, Cosmology and Nuclear Astrophysics, Bulletin of Uzbekistan Nat. Univ., 2005, No. 3, 4-8 (in Russian).


3. B.J. Ahmedov, On “From Big Bang to the Nobel Prize…”, Fan va Turmush,  2007, No.1-2, 60-61 (in Russian).


4.  B.J. Ahmedov, Modern Problems of Relativity Theory, Plenary Talk given at the National Conference devoted to 100 Anniversary of Relativity Theory, Tashkent, 27 September 2006.


5. B.J. Ahmedov, Modern Problems of Astrophysics of Relativistic Compact Objects, Scientific-Popular Talk given at the All-Institute Seminar of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Tashkent,  March 2006.







BOBOMURAT AHMEDOV                                                                                 Date: OCTOBER 1, 2008