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Sofia Technical University Hosted a Consortium Meeting (20-24 March 2023) within the Framework of the ERASMUS+ SPACECOM Project
The Consortium Meeting was held at the Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, from March 20 to March 24, 2023, in the framework of the ERASMUS+ SPACECOM Project «New study program in space systems and communications engineering».

From the Astronomical Institute, the meeting was attended by Semakova E.R., the local project coordinator. All participants of the event presented reports on the results of their activities.

РThe list of academic disciplines, training courses, and new curricula in space technologies, communication systems, astrophysics, etc. opened to date in the universities of Uzbekistan is considered. Methodological recommendations and preparation of the final report were discussed. Of great interest was a visit to the educational and scientific laboratories of the National Center for Mechatronics and Clean Technologies of the Technical University of Sofia and getting knowledge of the operation of equipment in the classes of robotics and microelectronics.

All participants were given application-oriented textbooks for Micro- and Nanomechatronics and certificates of participation in the event.
Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute,