Pulat Tadjimuratov Junior researcher UBAI, Postgraduate Scientific department: Отдел теоретической астрофизики Education: National Uyniversity of Uzbekistan, 2012, Theoretical Physics Year of birth: 1989
Field of research
Численное моделирование астрофизических процессов
//Phys. Rev. D 102, 024019
«Can modified gravity silence radio-loud pulsars?» Javlon Rayimbaev, Pulat Tadjimuratov (Abstract ...)
We perform magnetospheric studies in the modified gravity (MOG) framework to investigate effects of MOG on radio pulsar energetics with the main question being “can MOG explain how radio pulsars turn into radio-quiet ones?” In order to realize our aim, first, we have obtained exact vacuum analytical solutions of Maxwell equations for magnetic fields in the exterior of neutron stars in MOG. Then we have derived the analytical expressions for Goldreich-Julian charge density and unscreened parallel electric field solving the Poisson equation in the MOG frame. Calculations have shown that effects of MOG shift the radio pulsar death line up in P Pdiagram rend-ring objects that are radio loud in general relativity radio quiet in MOG. Using observational data, we estimate the upper limit for parameter α for the millisecond pulsars J2145-0750, J0024-7204D, and J0024-7204H, as α= 1.6011, 3.06528, and 0.9747 …
//Physical Sciences and Technology, Vol 4 No 1 (2017), 15-19
«SN2017ein: bolometric light curve and physical parameters» P.S. Tadjimuratov, D. Mirzakulov (Abstract ...)
Apparent stellar magnitudes observed at Maidanak observatory for SN2017ein – peculiarly faint core-collapse supernova rumored to have images of progenitor – are processed to get exact photometric data. Technique of photometry is described and the data itself is presented. Based on photometric data of B and R bands we used the regressional equation proposed by Lyman and Bersier to reconstruct the quasi-bolometric light curve. Reconstructed light curve has a peak luminosity of ∼ 3.3 ⋅ 10^41 erg/s which is almost an order of magnitude lower than typical values for such supernovae. Further, we used reconstructed bolometric values to estimate physical parameters using simple one-component models for photospheric and nebular phases. Fitting the models to reconstructed quasi-bolometric light curve allows us to estimate physical parameters. Such estimation yields 0.037M⊙ for nickel-56 mass, 1.246M⊙ for ejected mass and 1.641 · 10^51 erg for final kinetic energy of ejecta. Ejecta mass looks very small for proposed progenitor candidate, but some explanations for such discrepancy are already proposed.
//Bulletin of National University of Uzbekistan: Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Vol. 1 : Iss. 4 , Article 1.
«Thermal evolution modification due to radio-wave production inside rotating magnetized NS» Pulat Tadjimuratov (Abstract ...)
We study effect of additional cooling mechanism on the thermal evolution of rotating magnetized neutron star (NS). The influence of general relativistic effects on charge distribution inside a NS leads to the qualitative distinction of space charge distribution inside the conducting crust from that inside the superconducting core which may play a source of a possible mechanism of radio-wave radiation production in the intermediate medium inside a rotating neutron star. This radiation may interact the matter of the neutron star and energy of the electromagnetic radiation can be transformed into the heating energy. The intensity of radio-wave radiation produced inside NS and its relation for the relaxation time of cooling of the rotating magnetized neutron star in the curved space-time are estimated. The relaxation time of cooling of the rotating magnetized neutron star is essentially increased by heating arisen by the interaction of the generated electromagnetic radiation with the conducting matter of the neutron star crust. New suggested physical mechanism for the heating energy of the radio-wave radiation is proposed and some estimates on.
//Suffa2018, Международное совещание «Современное состояние и перспективы радиообсерватории на плато Суффа в Узбекистане», г. Ташкент, 27-29 августа 2018 г.
«Statistical analysis of GPS-derived PWV and comparison to GPM data» P.S. Tadjimuratov
//Proceedings of the international conference devoted to the 90th anniversary of Samarkand state university
«Modeling precipitable water vapor using machine learning technique» Abdikamalov A.B., Tadjimuratov P.S.